Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thoughts of Vacation

My weekend vacation has come and gone. I'm sitting here with my morning coffee wondering where to start working but my thoughts just keep drifting back to the woodlands of of VT and NY.

The rich smell of being deep in the forest with dew all around you glittering as the sun rises. The birds singing with each other as they start their day. Leaves fluttering on cool soft breezes while the trees sway slowly. The rhythmic lapping of the lake against the shore with the occasional trout surfacing for breakfast. The sun rises spreading warm light across the glowing surface in a spectacular array of yellows, and oranges as the sky fades from a deep purple to a brilliant blue.

All is in balance, all is in beauty. My heart swells with love for our earth mother. My heart swells for the comfort she gives to us daily if our eyes would only see. My heart swells for the beautiful intricate web that is life, which she nurtures every moment.

I pray that all who are here upon this earth can feel this love, this deep peacefulness within their soul. I pray that humanity would slow down just enough to be able to see the beauty of our relatives around us. I pray they would take just enough time to let in the realization that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and perfectly supported in all of your desires. All is well as we travel this spiraling circle called life, growing and learning. Let that sink deep into your being today, then go out and celebrate life with a smile, as I will.

1 comment:

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Nice. Very nice! I feel it . . . every day . . .